You've heard the phrase "cleanliness is next to godliness," right? No, it's not in the Bible–although the earliest mention of it is from the great preacher, John Wesley. In 1791 he wrote "...cleanliness is indeed next to godliness." That phrase popped into my mind when I was reading from 2 Timothy 3 recently.
Those of you who have been part of the WRGN listening family for any length of time know that we have a sister station that we started in the US Virgin Islands. WIVH–the West Indies Voice of Hope–will celebrate its 30th year of broadcasting this summer! With that in mind, and coming fresh off of my time there for our Share-A-Thon, I thought it would be good to bring you up to speed on what has been happening there.
If you are a regular Wake Up Right listener, you know I look forward to the day when we no longer flip our clocks back and forth. Every year I am optimistic that "this will be the last year we spring forward!" Unfortunately, like Charlie Brown (me) going to kick the football, Lucy (the politicians) pulls the football away again at the last minute.
I love the way Paul opens and closes his letters to the churches in the New Testament. In the beginning of many of his letters, he addresses them as beloved, as saints, as those who are sanctified (made holy), as faithful brothers. It is with these greetings in mind that I write to each of you in this month's letter.
As we embark on another year, and possibly even ponder the past year (or past several years), many people begin to wax philosophical. We think about what could or should have been, or maybe what we hope will be.
"For unto us..." Three simple words. Put them in the context of the prophecy from Isaiah 9, and those three simple words turn into a powerful, world-changing prophecy!
At the end of this month, many of us will sit down to a plate full of way too much food, and thank the Lord for his provision over the past year. We may think about others who are much less fortunate than we are, and we may even do something about it. Maybe you are serving in a soup kitchen, donating to a food pantry, or even inviting someone to join you for Thanksgiving dinner.
Are you the type of person who looks forward, or backward? Maybe you do a little bit of both, or maybe you are a one-step-at-a-time person looking neither too far forward or too far back. That healthy balance can be really...
One of my favorite things about working in radio is the opportunity to do interviews. Whether it's interviewing a part of our listening family during Share-A-Thon, talking to someone about an event that is coming up, or interviewing an author about a recent book release, I enjoy asking questions that make people think.