Another month and another fresh batch of great music to tell you about. Listen for these new tunes as you tune in this September on Your Good News Network! TobyMac sends us into autumn with “Faithfully” – the sixth single from his Life After Death release. While the passing of Toby’s son Truett is at the root of this song, it speaks of God’s goodness and presence that’s in all of our lives, no matter how dark things may get. He will never leave us or forsake us.
During this time of the year, my wife and I sometimes sit in the backyard looking up at the sky on a clear night. As we watch the stars twinkle and peer into the depth of the universe, our conversations can turn deep as well. We contemplate many things as we chat in our chairs. Consider. Ponder. Think about. That's what the psalmist asks us to do in Psalm 8:3. What is he asking us to think about?
Justin Behrens joined us on the air recently to introduce us and our listeners to Danielle O. Keith-Alexandre, the new Executive Director of Keystone Mission! We are excited to welcome her as a partner in ministry here in NEPA. Danielle shared some of her past experience, her heart for ministry to the homeless in our area, and opportunities for our listeners to participate in homeless ministry in both Wilkes-Barre and Scranton!
August is upon us, which may mean back to the beach or back-to-school. Wherever you’re off to this month, be sure to listen to WRGN for these new songs. While you may not be familiar with the name Jordan Janzen, you’ve certainly heard his voice before. Jordan is from the Canadian band The Color, and he’s recently released his first single as a solo artist called “You Can Let Go.” This song looks at God’s forgiveness, and how we can forget that God doesn’t look back at our past sins.
I don't know about you, but for Heather and me, summertime is porch time! We eat our meals there listening to the birds chattering at the feeder; we relax there in the evening and watch the fireflies blinking in the trees. Any opportunity finds us either sitting on the porch together, or Heather tending to her flowers that decorate it. These simple pleasures bring peace to our summer days, all the while in the back of our mind knowing that all too soon the busyness of autumn will begin.
Pastors face daily demands of hitting targets of success in every area of life—for the long haul. How are pastors ever supposed to finish well? Pastor, author, and church planter Mark Dance joined us on Wake Up Right recently to discuss the very relevant topic of pastoral success, resilience, and burnout.
Summertime and the livin' is easy! Okay, that may be your dream, but not necessarily your reality this summer! Here at the WRGN studios, it does seem like things slow down just a little bit for a month or so before things really kick up in the fall. The song that phrase comes from was written by...
Rich Vreeland, co-owner of Vreeland's Harley-Davidson in Bloomsburg, PA, joined us on Wake Up Right recently to tell us about The Old Made New Tour and to share the story of how God changed the entire direction of his life, starting with quitting his job and taking a cross-country road trip to help his brother detox. After opening a Harley-Davidson store in Bloomsburg, meeting his wife, and so much more, Rich trusted Christ through hearing the gospel during his time working with Nascar races through Motor Racing Outreach. Hearing and responding to the gospel changed his life and saved his marriage, and he began using motorcycling and racing as an open door for sharing the gospel.
We're already into the sixth month of 2023, and we have some more new music to tell you about. These are just a few songs you can expect to hear as you listen to WRGN in June!