On Air

One of my favorite things about working in radio is the opportunity to do interviews. Whether it's interviewing a part of our listening family during Share-A-Thon, talking to someone about an event that is coming up, or interviewing an author about a recent book release, I enjoy asking questions that make people think.
Kristi, Todd, and Travis Walker, children of the late Mel Walker, recently joined us on Wake Up Right to honor their father and his life of faithful ministry, as well as to share about Mel's final book, Youth Ministry Questions: Lessons from a Life-Long Youth Worker.
In her new 8-week Bible study, An Unexpected Revival: Experiencing God’s Goodness through Disappointment and Doubt, author Erica Wiggenhorn guides readers to encounter a unique picture of revival through Ezekiel’s prophecies. God chose to spark revival through people who seemed counted out, cast aside, and disregarded.
Listen to Refresh & Renew July 12-16 for a daily Chill Out giveaway of a $15 Dairy Queen gift card! Just listen for the invitation to call!
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Mom of six Molly DeFrank was sick of screen-time meltdowns. (Sound familiar?) She wanted more for her family, so she pulled the plug, declaring a digital detox for her screen-addicted kids. The transformation blew her away. Her new book, Digital Detox: The Two-Week Tech Reset for Kids gives you insight into how she did it in just fourteen days, and how you can too.
The month of May brings us new music from some familiar names, and some newer Christian artists. Here are a few:
Laura Story, concert artist at the upcoming  LYFE Women's Conference , joined Dan Close on Wake Up Right on May 9 to share about this year's conference coming up May 20-21! The 2022 theme is ONE! This is going to be an amazing weekend with keynote speaker Sherrie Holloway, plus breakout sessions.
We had a great time talking to Bryan about an upcoming mini golf fundraising event he's coordinating to benefit Care Net! He and his wife Tracy are frequent volunteers with Care Net of Carbon County, a pregnancy center with locations in Lehighton and Nesquehoning.
NBA Hall of Famer and sports executive Pat Williams joined us on Wake Up Right recently! He's coming to northeast Pennsylvania in May to speak at Man Up! at Clarks Summit University. He plans to talk about learning from the leadership of Jesus, the spiritual disciplines, leading in our churches and homes, and more.