5 events found.
GriefShare – Multiple Days
GriefShare sessions are open to everyone
DivorceCare – Every Friday
Fellowship Church 45 Hildebrandt Rd, DallasPeople at DivorceCare understand how you’re feeling and the struggles you face.
Free Children’s Fun Night @ Sweet Valley Church of Christ
Sweet Valley Church of Christ 5439 Main Rd, Sweet ValleyFree Children's Fun Night open to the community!
118 Hunlock Harveyville rd Hunlock Creek 118 Hunlock Harveyville Road, Hunlock CreekGriefShare The group will meet every Tuesday, starting on March 26 at 10AM. These sessions will last for 13 weeks. The cost is $10.00. Please call and make a reservation....
Faith Baptist Academy Open House
Faith Baptist Academy 39 Gaylord Ave., PlymouthLearn about our school!