5 events found.
Citizenship Class
My Servant Church 204 S. Abington Road, Clarks GreenFriday Night Citizenship Class!
GriefShare – Fridays
Fellowship Church 45 Hildebrandt Rd, DallasYou don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.
DivorceCare – Fridays
Fellowship Church 45 Hildebrandt Rd, DallasEveryone’s story is different, and you’ll be accepted right where you are.
Angaza Ministries Night
Grace Fellowship Church 155 Bridge Street, TunkhannockJoin us for a night celebrating all that God has done through Angaza Ministries!
Comedy for Everyone with Mike G. Williams
The Grove Church 1145 Providence Rd, ScrantonJoin us for an evening of fun, clean comedy!