35 events found.
Bring the whole family to enjoy our Fall Festivities! Event will include food trucks, craft vendors, free children's activities and games, raffle baskets, baked goods, a scrumptious soup stand, petting zoo, hayrides, and so much more!! Hope to see you at this exciting event!
First Assembly of God in Wilkes-Barre will be hosting a FREE Fall Family Fest on Saturday, October 30th under the Big Tent from 1-4 pm. There will be games, food, prizes, and family gospel presentations with Pastor Fred Pettet.
Kids (accompanied by an adult) will appreciate this safe, entertaining afternoon of silly games, treats, crafts, and a campfire if the weather cooperates. Be sure to invite friends and neighbors. This event is free.
All kids and their families are invited to attend Fellowship Church's annual Fall Festival & Trunk or Treat! This event will feature a bonfire, the trunk or treat, food trucks, and something exciting for the entire family – AND LOTS OF CANDY. Put on your costumes and join us!