Hope for the Journey Conference
Faith Alive United Methodist Church 678 Pine St, Palmerton, PA, United StatesA conference geared towards those interested in supporting adoption and foster care
$1-A-Bag Clothing Sale
Hunlock Creek United Methodist Church 853 Main Rd, Hunlock Creek, PA, United StatesNew and gently used women's, men's, and children's clothes, shoes, and accessories
Centershot Archery
Osterhout Bible Church 467 Lane Hill Rd, Tunkhannock, PA, United StatesArchery program for everyone! Free for anyone age 8-103, beginners to seasoned veterans can come learn or practice. Equipment is provided, trained instructors will help in a fun and safe outdoor activity for the whole family.
Ukrainian Food Fundraiser
Russian-Ukrainian Baptist Church 63 Hillside St, Wilkes-Barre, PA, United StatesPoppy seed rolls, kabobs, broccoli salad, plov (rice with meat), cabbage rolls, and pierogies and more, plus donuts and desserts! All proceeds support Ukrainian refugees!
Mother’s Day Plant Kits benefiting Pathways Pregnancy Center
Lehman Nursery 18 Idetown Road, Dallas, PA, United StatesEach kit contains a plastic container and stickers to decorate it, a small bag of dirt, and three flowers to plant.
Program on Ukraine
Luzerne County Community College 521 Trailblazer Drive, Nanticoke, PA, United StatesThe Luzerne County Community College Human Services Club, Psychology Club, Horticulture Club, and BASIC Club will hold a program on Ukraine on Tuesday, May 3, from 1 to 2:30 p.m., at the College’s Educational Conference Center.
2022 National Day of Prayer Broadcast
A 90-minute prayer gathering for our nation from the National Day of Prayer Task Force and Pray.com
Man Up! Conference
Clarks Summit University 538 Venard Rd, South Abington Twp, PA, United StatesAt Man Up! you’ll hit the pause button on your daily grind and recharge spiritually with other men who are excited about serving Christ.
The Good News Library’s Big Book Sale
WRGN 2457 SR 118, Hunlock Creek, PA, United StatesHundreds of great books, including gently-used Christian books, both fiction and nonfiction, as well as nonfiction books including DIY, biographies, cookbooks, and children's books
LYFE Women’s Conference 2022
Clarks Summit University 538 Venard Rd, South Abington Twp, PA, United StatesA weekend of biblical teaching, meaningful worship and lasting encouragement with special guest Laura Story
MiniGolf Fundraiser for Care Net of Carbon County
Bear Rock Junction 8181 Route 309, New Tripoli, PA, United StatesA fun mini golf event for the whole family to benefit Care Net of Carbon County!
Muhlenburg Christian Academy Open House
Calvary Bible Chapel 362 Hunlock-Harveyville Rd, Hunlock Creek, PA, United StatesTour our school, meeting with our caring and dedicated staff members, and discover what makes our A.C.E. curriculum a great alternative for preschool through 12th grade students
WRGN’s More Than A Yard Sale 2022
Saxe Homestead 211 Bethel Hill Rd, Sweet Valley, PA, United StatesAn annual favorite! Make plans to come out on Saturday, June 4, 8 AM - 3 PM, for some great deals and fun for the whole family.
Ride for Radio 2022
WRGN 2457 SR 118, Hunlock Creek, PA, United StatesWe hope to see you for this fantastic summer event where WRGN listeners can get together to enjoy nature, good food, and fun fellowship–all while supporting WRGN!
Teen Leadership Conference
Clarks Summit University 538 Venard Rd, South Abington Twp, PA, United StatesA high-energy week for teens to learn to lead for Christ in their churches, schools, and communities, and for youth leaders to learn youth ministry strategies!
Touch-A-Truck at Fellowship Church
Fellowship Church 45 Hildebrandt Rd, Dallas, PA, United StatesTouch-A-Truck will feature local rescue and first responder professionals and their vehicles: fire trucks, police cars, ambulances, and other specialized rescue vehicles!
Community Worship Service and Free Lunch
First United Methodist Church of Nanticoke 267 E. Main St, Nanticoke, PA, United StatesCommunity Worship Service and Free Lunch
Homemade Ice Cream Sale
Oakdale Independent Community Church 485 Oakedale Drive, Hunlock Creek, PA, United StatesChocolate, vanilla, peanut butter, & peach available by the pint or quart
Active Shooter Response
Slocum Chapel 1024 Exeter Ave, Exeter, PA, United StatesCome and learn best practices for this encounter
Tim Zimmerman and The King’s Brass Concert
First Presbyterian Church (Wilkes-Barre) 97 S. Franklin St, Wilkes-Barre, PA, United StatesTim Zimmerman and The King's Brass present hymn classics with a contemporary flair at this free concert.