35 events found.
Faith Baptist Academy Open House Weekend For more information go to their facebook page: Faith Baptist Academy Open House Weekend
Faith Baptist Academy Open House Weekend To get more information please go to their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02fyNUUqe13Cbagy9Ur9ehdM3ZexxswqzjiRbfrJ4ZVuyAaHoCDHJAJTXPMjmuLN6Rl&id=100054474940808
Parent Cafés are a fun and engaging small group gathering where every voice is valued
Our Lady of Mercy Annual Parish Picnic It’s picnic time again for our little “Church in the Valley” and we are pleased to announce that our annual church picnic will a wonderful time of fellowship complete with outdoor food tent featuring all our tasty homemade ethnic foods, music, games. This event will be held on...