It’s #GivingTuesday!
Thank you for helping us raise $680 on #GivingTuesday!
Partner with us in ministry by making a contribution to WRGN on #GivingTuesday! We’re working towards our funding goal for 2023 from our recent Share-A-Thon, and tomorrow’s giving will help us get there. Give online or call us on #GivingTuesday at 800-245-3688 to make your donation. Your gift enables this ministry of encouragement, equipping, and outreach both on the air and in the community!

We aren’t just individual listeners, but together we support WRGN as part of a listening family–a family that works together to continue sharing the Good News in NEPA and beyond! Together we can bring the life that comes with joy, hope, and good news to this region. Thank you for partnering with us!