Are you the type of person who looks forward, or backward? Maybe you do a little bit of both, or maybe you are a one-step-at-a-time person looking neither too far forward or too far back. That healthy balance can be really...
Christina Kuc-Masker of Pathways Pregnancy Help Center in Kingston, PA joined us in the studio for a great conversation about the value and impact of Pathways in our community, especially as the church seeks to step up in even bigger ways to create a culture of life here in Pennsylvania.
Bethann Miller recently joined us on Wake Up Right to share about her newly released book, The Invitation: Keys to Strengthening Your Marriage and an upcoming two-day marriage seminar in NEPA.
Kurt Weaver, Director of Strategic Partnerships for the Pennsylvania Family Institute, joined us on Wake Up Right to talk to us about our calling as Christians following the overturning of Roe v. Wade this past summer.
Actor Eric Close joined us on Wake Up Right to tell us about the new movie, The Mulligan! Featuring Eric Close and Pat Boone, Tim enjoyed watching this family-friendly movie about grace and second chances.
Simple, practical advice for going back to school with a missional mindset from Dr. Danny Huerta, Focus on the Family's Vice President of Parenting and Youth
As we get ready to say good-bye to the summer later this month, let’s say hello to some music new you’ll be hearing on WRGN as the seasons change...
Going back to school can be an exciting (or terrifying) time, depending on your perspective! I realized as I watched...