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Prayers and Praises

  • 9/19/2019 Please pray for Steph a senior in college who is praying for direction from God for her future. Pray for guidance and wise council. Lift up Rachel who is going for a scan on Monday for a mass that was found. Pray for comfort and peace as she waits and for a good report.
  • 9/6/2019 Please be in prayer for Jason and Michelle's newly delivered triplets. Hannah, Elijah and Jeremiah born a few months early and are all around a pound in weight. Pray for continued strength and for weight gain. Peace for the family. Please continue to pray for Shirley after the loss of her beloved husband Burl. Pray for traveling mercies for the family coming in. Please pray for Nancy who is dealing with silent refux and lymes disease. She is dealing with burning mouth problems as well. The doctors say no disease from that however. Pray for healing and wisdom.
  • 9/3/2019 Please continue to pray for the Updyke family. Burl is declining. Pray for the family and especially for Burls wife Shirley. Pray for peace and comfort. Pray for a woman who is in a bad relationship. Pray for her to move on and that she would once again seek the Lord.
  • 8/27/2019 Please lift up a family that has infighting within the family, financial issues, health issues, and the threat of divorce - for wisdom and a heart to seek the Lord. Pray for these: Harley - injured at work Health concerns: Adam, Devon, Jane, Melissa, Renee, Jessica, Katherine, and Donna. Christopher - victory over drugs Elizabeth – who passed away-pray for her family and friends. Nadine and Dennis – pray for unspoken request. Daxaben – thyroid issues. Bryan - son needs surgery in Philly. Christine - mysterious seizures, out of job until diagnosed. Charles - COPD - needs medical assistance. Angela - needs job, back issues. Mike - loss of relative, pray for peace and comfort. Please pray for help and healing.
  • 8/23/2019 Please pray for Savannah a 13 year old girl who is battling mycoplasma pneumonia. Pray for her doctors as they try a new drug protocol before taking her off of life support. Pray for wisdom for the team of doctors. Peace for the family and comfort during these very hard hours of decision. 
  • 8/12/2019 Please, pray for Isaiah, who was taken to the hospital after a pool accident. He is stable and showing brain activity, but is not out of danger. Pray for healing and for his family and friends comfort as they wait and pray.
  • 8/5/2019 Prayers for Lucy, admitted into hospital for back pain and elevated enzymes. Doctors feel possible heart attack. Prayers for wisdom for doctors and peace and wisdom for her family.
  • 7/19/2019 Continued prayers for Mark and Mary. Prayers for his heart to strengthen so he can have his bone marrow surgery done. Please lift up Jackie who had a bad fall and broke her arm. Pray for her pain levels, comfort and healing. Continued prayers for the Madeira family as they are making their funeral arrangements for Tim's grandmother. Pray for the family and for those traveling in.
  • 7/10/2019 Please pray for Dorothy, Ann, Peter, Edmund and Daniel for the wisdom, discernment and direction from God for his call on their lives. Please pray for Bobbie Jo and her family as they just lost their son and their home to a fire. Pray for the children and parents and extended family. Comfort, peace and God's loving to be with them all.
  • 6/26/2019   Please pray for Iva who is dealing with fluid on her lungs. Lift up Luke who had a stroke. Pray for healing and comfort. Please pray for a woman who has an eviction notice that she can secure new housing and for her 15 year old son who has serious health issues. Prayers for Linda who is going for tests to determine if cancer has returned. Prayers of thanks for Dave's wife.  She made it through spinal fusion surgery but will need rehab and movement to restore strength and flexibility. Prayers of thanks for a different Linda's surgery going safely and successfully. Prayers for Bob – his traffic court hearing is next week. Continued prayers for Janice - still dealing with severe depression and almost no progress in terms of therapy and spiritual counseling.

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